Control the line following robot with ease!
Press space bar to toggle between start and stop.
Status: Not Connected
No Direction Information
Sensor Data
Left Sensor: N/A
Right Sensor: N/A
Motor Data
Left Motor (Sent): N/A
Left Motor (Actual): N/A
Right Motor (Sent): N/A
Right Motor (Actual): N/A
Kp determines how much the controller output changes in response to the current error, with a higher Kp resulting in a faster response but potential overshoot, while a lower Kp slows the response and may cause steady-state error.
Ki accounts for the accumulation of past errors to eliminate steady-state error, with higher values speeding up response but risking instability, while lower values may slow convergence.
Kd predicts future error behavior and adds damping to improve stability and reduce overshoot, with higher values enhancing responsiveness but risking sensitivity to noise.
This parameter sets the output level for zero speed in the DAC, ensuring that the system correctly interprets a no-movement condition, which is crucial for calibrating performance and preventing unintended movement.
This factor adjusts the final PID output before application, with a higher scaling factor increasing response while a lower factor reduces it for fine-tuning system reactions.
This value sets a minimum output speed to prevent the system from stalling, ensuring operation above a critical threshold for effectiveness and safety.
This value manually overides all data and sends the Digital to Analogue converters a value to execute.